Register To Vote
November 9 is the last day to register to vote in New York State to vote in the 2020 general election.
Here is my tweet thread from National Voter Registration Day — which should be everyday.
I first registered to vote in April 1988 — the month I turned 18. I have been registered in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania; West Philly, Manhattan; and presently Dutch Kills, Queens.
In Pennsylvania, where I lived when I was 18, you could pre-register the month of your birthday and when you turned 18 — vote. On April 1, 1988 which was my high school senior year spring break, Good Friday, and at sundown the first night of Passover — I registered.
That morning, my Dad took me to register at what I recall being a democratic club but I’m not totally sure. I remember wearing ripped jeans (my Mom wasn’t happy about that back then either) and my high school jacket (go Upper Moreland Golden Bears)
But the main thing I remember is the older woman who processed my voter registration paperwork saying, “god bless you, thank you” when she handed me my voter registration card. That has never left me — it signaled to me then and reminds me now why voting is so important.
My birthday is April 21 — five days later in 1988 I voted in the a Pennsylvania Democratic Primary which that year was a presidential primary. And I have voted ever since in every election — big, small, presidential, local, primary, general.
Check your registration. Register if you are not. VOTE.