Project 2025

Danielle Brecker
3 min readJul 15, 2024


I spoke to a group in Queens about Project 2025. Highlights follow.

I’ve read enough about Project 2025 to know that it terrifies me for myself, my family, my community, our country, all of us. It is important, in fact urgent, that we talk about it and spread the word.

The media seems unconcerned with Project 2025. Only one in four Americans have heard about Project 2025. So it’s going to be up to all of us to talk to our neighbors, friends, and family members to spread the word about what

Project 2025 is an over 900-page plan written by the Heritage Foundation which is essentially a large group of billionaire/multi-millionaire, white, right-wing, Christian nationalists and related groups who want to remake our government to their agenda and for their profit.

Project 2025 is a detailed playbook with a timeline for the first 180 days of Trump’s presidency, should he be re-elected. It will hurt millions of Americans by eliminating protections and programs while putting moneyed special interests and extremism over the American people. 4

Here is some but not all of what it will do.

  • shift control of most government agencies to the executive branch
  • lay off thousands, could be over 100,000, non-partisan civil servants. replacing them with partisan loyalists who pledge loyalty to Trump and this plan
  • dismantle Civil Rights and DEl protections in all levels of government
  • ban African American and Gender studies at all levels of education
  • cut taxes for wealthy corporations and individuals while increasing taxes on the rest of us 6
  • eliminate regulations on big business and oil
  • raise the retirement age
  • end birthright citizenship
  • cut Social Security and Medicare
  • end the Affordable Care Act
  • eliminate unions and all worker protections
  • eliminate Head Start and the free/discounted school lunch programs
  • effectively end public education by eliminating the Department of Education, using public funds to pay for private religious schools, and encouraging white Christian nationalism indoctrination in schools
  • eliminate no-fault divorce
  • ban all contraceptives
  • promote capital punishment and the speedy “finality” of such sentences
  • condemn single mothers while encouraging a “traditional family” controlled by the father
  • recognize only “traditional families”
  • eliminate all climate protections
  • encourage Arctic drilling
  • dismantle the FDA, EPA, NOAA, FBI, Homeland Security, more
  • use the military to break up protests and enforce laws
  • force immigrants to be deported or held in camps
  • ban Muslims from entering the country
  • pack SCOTUS with more extreme far-right judges. The Heritage Foundation is already responsible for Comev-Barrett. Kavanaugh and Gorsuch
  • and much much more…!

Project 2025 is about power and control. White, straight, rich, mostly men who feel their dominance threatened by anyone who looks, thinks, or worships differently than they do. They say they’re patriotic Americans and good Christians but they are white Christian nationalists.

They’re counting on most of us not reading all 900++ pages fully. They are counting on us just skimming it and seeing only the language that we have heard before that sounds positive.

They say the purpose is to “help, better the lives of, strengthen working families” when a key component is huge tax breaks and no regulations to help the ultra-rich and big corporations while ending key government agencies, programs, and services that help working families.

They say this will return us to “American values” but it will move us from democracy to authoritarianism. They say this is the true intention of our government but it will redo our government to be based on the extreme ideology of white Christian nationalism and the confederacy.

This is only the start. Trump has said he will only be a dictator on day one but we know from history that authoritarianism is not a one-time thing, it doesn’t end, it escalates.

This is what we must do:

  • talk with our neighbors, friends, and family members to let them know what Project 2025 is and will mean
  • vote for Biden-Harris + dem in down-ballot races in November. We see what is possible in France!
  • do the work to GOTV: make calls, write postcards, canvass— knock doors



Danielle Brecker

New York State Democratic Committee Member AD-36, Co-lead Organizer Empire State Indivisible, Chair Queens Community Board 2, Board Member New Reformers.