Power doesn’t come from being community board chair, we all have the power to fight for change … but the gavel was fun.

On Thursday night I lost my bid for reelection as chair of CB2. I’m not sad because I know my power doesn’t come from being chair but from the work I do everyday to hold our elected leaders to account and to advocate for policy.
Now, as just a board member I’m free to be as vocal as I want about the so called “community” planning in LIC, the latest city budget cuts, taxing the wealthy instead of trickle down economics, tax giveaways, public/private partnerships, and many other serious issues we face.
And to express my concern about what went on at the meeting – a motion to table the public hearing + vote for a resolution in support of Intro 1099 because the meeting was too long. CB2 members knew better, we voted “no” on the motion to table and then “yes” on the resolution.
The motion to table was dismissive of our neighbors who came to be heard on Intro 1099. Priority should be community – no matter how long it takes.
I hope this isn’t a sign of things to come – but I know my fellow board members won’t allow it to be.
I hope to see Queens CB2 members on Monday morning at City Hall ready to protest + testify against the latest round of city budget cuts and to hold our Council Member to account to do the same.
Following is what I said on Thursday night, my “two minute speech” for reelection. I stand by every word.
I am Danielle Brecker, current chair of Queens Community Board 2. I live in LIC.
My priority as chair is making sure that our community has the representation and resources that we need.
This means, that for the two planning projects impacting our district right now, supporting the process AND being a watchdog to make sure that it is inclusive, the community is heard, and the resources we need, like new sewers, hospital and maternal care, resiliency measures, and expanded green space and mass transit are part of the final plan.
This means, leading the board to call out a local elected leader whose refusal to answer for their bad acts hurts our community.
This means, making a plan to fully vet and approve cannabis business applicants so that we can grow small businesses, shutter illegal shops, and deliver social justice that the state law legalizing cannabis calls for … in doing that over the last year, CB2 has become the model of that process.
There’s more I could say, but I’m going to turn to what’s happening on Monday, as it is far more important to our community than this election. On Monday, I will join our neighbors from across the city to protest and testify against the latest round of city budget cuts to jobs, libraries, schools, parks, firehouses, composting, and much more.
THIS may not be the role of a board chair but it is why we are all here on the board – to fight for our community, to fight for the representation and the resources our community needs.
Win or lose tonight I will always lead the fight for our community. I hope to do it with your votes for chair of Queens Community Board 2.