New Yorkers Say “No” to the Astoria NRG Power Plant — again

Danielle Brecker
3 min readMar 16, 2022


Last night my neighbors and I testified in support of the New York State Department of Enviromental Conseervation’s decision to deny the Astoria NRG fossil fuel / fracked gas power plant and in opposition to NRG’s appeal of this decision. Three hours of testimony and not one person testified in support of the plant.

There was testimony from elected + community leaders, students including two eighth graders, grandparents, parents, activists, advocates, a congressional candidate, a nun, and more. New Yorkers from the community, from the surrounding communities, from as far away as Buffalo.

Person after person testifying to why the NYS DEC must uphold their decision to deny Astoria NRG Power Plant.

My testimony this time was about the will of the people and making sure that the will of the people is upheld. Here it is:

“I am Danielle Brecker. I live in Dutch Kills, one of many western Queens neighborhoods impacted by decades of pollution that will continue if the NRG Power Plant is allowed.

I testify today in support of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s decision to deny the Astoria NRG power plant and opposition to this appeal.

Along with being a Queens Community Board 2 member, I am also a co-lead organizer of Empire State Indivisible where we engage New Yorkers to use their voice to hold our elected leaders and institutions of our democracy to account.

As a community member I am frustrated that I have to testify again today in opposition to a power plant that will hurt my community and that my community strongly opposes.

As co leader of Empire State Indivisible, I am frustrated that this appeal of the DEC’s decision attempts to supersede the voice of the people. Thousands of New Yorkers used their voices in opposition to the NRG Power Plant including all our elected leaders at all levels of government and community members directly impacted by decades of pollution.

The DEC listened to us, as they should have, and denied this plant.

Now NRG is seeking to deny the will of the people … just as their proposed plant seems to deny the climate crisis upon us.

New Yorkers in western queens and across our state do not want to continue to be made sick by power plants that use fossil fuel.

We want our state to enact and enforce bold policies to combat the climate crisis, end the use of fossil fuel, and invest in green, renewable technology, energy, and jobs to implement a green new deal.

We want power plants to comply with the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act and have zero-carbon emissions now, not wait 18 years until 2040.

We want to protect our communities, all of us, from the harm of fossil fuel and climate change.

I implore you to stand by your decision, by the people, and again reject the NRG Power Plant in Astoria Queens.

Thank you.”



Danielle Brecker
Danielle Brecker

Written by Danielle Brecker

Drexel🐉 New🗽Yorker Earthling🌎🌍🌏 World🧳traveller Sun☀️lover Feminist💪🏻 Fashionista👠 Voter🗳 Boxer🥊 Co-lead Organizer📋Empire State Indivisible

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